While Thursday, day 6, was grey and cloudy, the winds were light and it wasn’t raining! Of course the field was a muddy mess. But it was “kids day” and Special Shape Rodeo day, which translates to bigger crowds.
Dawn patrol was cleared for launch and headed towards the concession row. As they climbed they headed west and were able to box the field east to west.
The xfinity balloon was the balloon of the day. It’s called a special shape but really it’s just a regular balloon has some puffy hearts on it. Once they launched the ride balloons did their thing. Since the ground wind was going to the east there were some interesting launches as balloons flew towards other inflating envelopes. Oops!

I’ve been physically pushed and verbally abused by enough inexperienced special shape crews to know I don’t want to get trapped between them so I stayed on the edges of the field eventually retreating to the media tower. While at the bees I learned that baby bee Joelly had been stolen overnight. The trailer and bee were found abandoned the next day with a story involving some gunfire. Turns out the gunfire wasn’t directed at the police and others recovering the equipment. I can’t retell the story as well as Mike so ask him for it. The truck was also found nearby.
The special shape balloons that didn’t fly lined up along the completion flagging. Using the box winds, a couple ride balloons came back to the field. One touched down in the target area before landing on the field causing some heated words from the officials.
The target area is well patrolled by officials and by mounted officers. They stopped and questioned Alee and I as we entered. We explained about our official photographer vests and it sounded good to them so they posed for photos.

Competition on this day involved 4 tasks. A ring to be dropped on one of 5 poles for a share of the $2000 that each pole was worth. A standard X and a maximum distance double drop on either side of the X. The double drop was in the form of a 5 and a 0 representing the 50th of course. The baggies need to be the farthest apart and still within the 5 and 0. The last task was a special task in honor of the roadrunner and coyote theme. It included a large red and white target with a coyote figure in the center. The pilots had a small box marked ACME anvil core to drop on it.
After competition some of the RC balloons inflated. Not enough for the record attempt, that would be the next day. After all that it was off to the media tent for ice cream and the long walk back to W lot.

Evening events for day 6
Day 6 is also the first evening of the Special Shape GlowdeoTM. It was so windy that the Fiesta Live broadcast had to take down their backdrop. As usual things were put on hold as kites filled the air and virga moved in. The virga became rain as a line of balloon trucks left the field. The glow was eventually canceled just as Fiesta Live was moving undercover to escape the rain. The sky divers also canceled since the winds exceeded their limits but the drone show and fireworks continued. Or so I’m told, I didn’t hang out in the rain to find out.