Our Easter tradition is to invite other cloud hopper pilots to our local flying area in Temecula for what we call the Easter Hop. Cloud hoppers on Easter – you get it.
This all started in 2017 and had steadily grown each year to reach 12 balloons in 2019 flying both Saturday as well as Sunday.

2019 also marked the year it became an international event with a British pilot joining the multi-state group. 2020 was on track to be the same until….well you know, a global pandemic put the world on pause for the year. At least we didn’t have any murder hornets show up.
Hopper launching next to the Red Raider
With the growing number of balloons a target was added just for fun with Peeps being thrown as markers. Bunny ears also became an added accessory.
In 2021, with the pandemic still an issue, we had a small gathering of three local hoppers for just Sunday. Peeps and bunny ears forgotten. The Peeps may be hard as rocks by the next Easter Hop.
If you are a cloud hopper pilot and need a place to fly on Easter keep the Easter Hop in mind. Information is posted on the cloud hopper facebook page if you are a member or you can leave a comment here and I’ll make sure it gets to the infamous Ernie-hopper pilot.